Tutorial: Import IDs from SRA

After exporting your high-throughput sequencing data to SRA, SRA will attribute IDs to them. This tutorial explains how to use the script import_sra_id to import these SRA IDs and link them to your internal IDs. This allows you to keep track of published data within your own database.

To perform this linkage, import_sra_id uses two pieces of information:

  • the number of spots (i.e. reads) sequenced,
  • the columns sample_ref and replicate_ref added as supplementary annotations during SRA export by export_sra script. For example, see SRP189389 to find an example containing these columns.


For this tutorial, it is expected that some data have been already exported to SRA. When you imported annotations following the Import your data tutorial, IDs were automatically attributed. But we attributed different IDs in our database. For the importing of SRA IDs to work, the local and SRA IDs need to be the same. To import our annotations:

  1. Empty the seq tables. Execute psql -U postgres to connect to PostgreSQL server and execute:

    TRUNCATE seq.project;
    TRUNCATE seq.sample;
    TRUNCATE seq.replicate;
    TRUNCATE seq.run;

    Exit Postgresql.

  2. Import the annotations (SQL files are available here):

    psql -U postgres < seq_project.sql
    psql -U postgres < seq_sample.sql
    psql -U postgres < seq_replicate.sql
    psql -U postgres < seq_run.sql

You can then check that you imported the data properly:


Observe that the IDs and the number of spots have been updated to new ones (compared to tutorial).

Create publication

Go to the Publications tab and click on the Add new Publication button to go the new publication form.

Use the following data:

Column Description
Publication (short internal name for publication) vejnar_messih_genome_research_2019
Title Genome wide analysis of 3’-UTR sequence elements and proteins regulating mRNA stability during maternal-to-zygotic transition in zebrafish
Publication date 2019-07-01
Pubmed ID 31227602
SRA ref (comma separated list of SRP IDs) SRP189512,SRP189389,SRP189499

…to fill the form:


And submit to add the publication record.


SRA IDs can then be imported using the --update option.

import_sra_id --update \
              --publication_ref vejnar_messih_genome_research_2019 \
              --dry | grep -v WARNING
NoteAs our SRA projects contains more samples than included in this tutorial, import_sra_id won’t be able to find all the runs published within these SRA projects. It will display a warning for each unfound run. We suggest to first filter the numerous warnings. Run the command again the command without the | grep -v WARNING pipe to display these warnings.

This command returns:

Title: Genome wide analysis of 3’-UTR sequence elements and proteins regulating mRNA stability during maternal-to-zygotic transition in zebrafish
Loading SRP189512

> SRP189512
Loading SRP189389

> SRP189389
  > Local: AGN000585  RESA 2h B1                                         
  > SRA:   RESA - WT 32c r2 B1 AGN000585             SRS4536695          
    > Run: SRR8784168
  > Local: AGN000582  RESA 6h B1                                         
  > SRA:   RESA - WT 6h r2 B1 AGN000582              SRS4536705          
    > Run: SRR8784149
  > Local: AGN000587  RESA 6h B2                                         
  > SRA:   RESA - WT 6h r2 B2 AGN000587              SRS4536708          
    > Run: SRR8784143
  > Local: AGN000587  RESA 6h B2                                         
  > SRA:   RESA - WT 6h r2 B2 AGN000587              SRS4536708          
    > Run: SRR8784144
Loading SRP189499

> SRP189499


Once you got this output, execute the command again without the --dry option:

import_sra_id --update \
              --publication_ref vejnar_messih_genome_research_2019 | grep -v WARNING

Now the SRA IDs should be imported as you can see in the tree view:


Last modification: May 26, 2020