Deploy to Vultr

This tutorial explains how to deploy LabxDB in the cloud using Vultr. For a few dollars per month, you can run LabxDB following the easy setup explained here.

Login to Vultr

  • Create a login at Vultr
  • Login to your account Vultr login page.

Vultr Login

Add SSH key

To connect to your server, an instance in DigitalOcean vernacular, your SSH login key will be installed by the installation script.

Generate your SSH key

If you don’t already have an SSH key, follow this guide to generate one.

Load your SSH key

After logging in, go to the SSH Keys tab of the Products section. Click on Add SSH Key, and copy-paste your SSH key and give it a name:

DigitalOcean SSH

You can then see you added SSH key:

DigitalOcean SSH

This process is further explained in this tutorial.

Add Startup Script

After logging in, go to Startup Scripts. After Vultr install a functional Linux distribution on your virtual server, this script will be used to install LabxDB automatically.

Click on the Add Startup Script button:

Vultr Startup

Input the LabxDB script in the form with the following parameters:

  • Name: LabxDB

  • Type: Boot

  • Script: Copy-paste one of the following scripts:

    • Test version. Installs LabxDB:
      bash <(wget -qO-
    • Production version. Installs LabxDB with domain name and security (https+firewall):
      NoteWith the parameter ACME_STAGING="yes", the Let’s Encrypt Staging Environment will be used to sign the SSL certificate. The resulting certificate won’t be usable in internet browsers. This is intented to test deploying LabxDB. To use the regular Let’s Encrypt server, change the parameter to ACME_STAGING="no" as described in the post-installation section.
      • If you created a DuckDNS domain, set DUCKDNS_DOMAIN, DUCKDNS_TOCKEN and ACME_EMAIL (with your email) variables (see here)
        bash <(wget -qO-
        export DUCKDNS_DOMAIN=""
        export ACME_EMAIL=""
        export ACME_STAGING="yes"
        bash <(wget -qO-
      • If you have your own domain name, set DOMAIN (with your domain) and ACME_EMAIL (with your email) variables:
        NoteThe installation does not set the IP of your new instance to your domain name. In consequence, the certificate creation will fail. Once the instance installation, restart Caddy as described in the post-installation section.
        bash <(wget -qO-
        export DOMAIN=""
        export ACME_EMAIL=""
        export ACME_STAGING="yes"
        bash <(wget -qO-

Then click Add Script:

Vultr Script

The new script should then be available:

Vultr Script List

Create instance

Configure instance

Go to Deploy New Instance by clicking on the Plus button (Deploy New Server):

Vultr Plus

Choose a node type:

Vultr Deploy

Choose a region:

Vultr Deploy

Choose the Debian image (and latest version):

Vultr Deploy

Choose a node size:

Vultr Deploy

Select the Startup Script you entered at the previous step:

Vultr Deploy

Select an SSH key if you configured one.

Choose a Server Hostname and Label:

Vultr Deploy

Then Deploy your new instance.

Start instance

Go back to main panel at and wait for the new instance to be ready:

Vultr Running


If you used your own domain name or created a staging domain name using ACME_STAGING="yes", follow these steps to create a valid certificate (be aware of limits):

  1. Only if you used your own domain name to install a production version: set the IP (in our example of your new instance to your domain name (at your domain name registrar or DNS provider). Wait a few minutes for the update to be applied.
  2. Only if you are ready to create a production certificate, login to your instance, open with an editor /etc/caddy/caddy.json and update the ACME server from the staging to the production URL by replacing:
        "module": "acme",
        "ca": ""
        "module": "acme",
        "ca": ""
  3. Login to your instance and restart Caddy using (it forces creating a new certificate):
    systemctl restart caddy

Connect to LabxDB

Test version

Get the IP from your new instance (in our example Open a browser and go to http://your ip:8081, i.e.

Vultr LabxDB

WarningAccess to this URL is not restricted. Login/password access should be configured to use LabxDB in production.

Production version

LabxDB is accessible at the domain you set in DUCKDNS_DOMAIN or DOMAIN. For our example

NoteThe default login is labxdb and password labxdb20.

The password is defined in /etc/caddy/caddy.json within the http_basic module. To define a new password, it needs to be encoded using:

caddy hash-password

More help is available here.

More configuration

Connect to instance

Click on the new instance to get Server information. On this page, you can find the root password.

Connect with SSH to your instance using:

ssh root@

Or, if you setup a domain name ( here):



In case the installation is incomplete or failed, the log of install script is saved in /tmp/firstboot.log.

Vultr documentation

Vultr documentation is available for further help.

Last modification: July 19, 2023